Satin Ice Fondant is made predominantly of sugar, corn syrup and our special blend of natural gums that are heated and cooled to produce dough like consistency. Fondant is a type of sugar dough that can be rolled out to cover your cake for a sleek, smooth finish. Satin Ice Fondant is fun to work with for any cake decorator beginner or professional. I fell in love with Satin Ice, while making my daughter’s Barbie Bed Cake and the Head Board had a torn on the top as the cardboard was sharp. I fixed it using a small piece of Satin Ice of the same color and placed it on the torn area and gently wet my paint brush to smooth it out. The results were amazing such a smooth finish that you can’t tell the difference or even notice the area is fixed after a torn; I simply would say “I love it!”
This exceptional fondant taste is delicious, silky smooth and melts in your mouth and comes in three flavors: vanilla, buttercream and chocolate. So next time you have fondant covered cake do not peel the fondant off! Give fondant a try you never know, you might fall in love with Satin Ice fondant. Satin Ice fondant is vegan, gluten free, nut free, dairy free, Trans-fat free and kosher. My personal opinion is high quality product at affordable price, exceptional taste, great to work with and my love for sleek finish on cakes.