Here is the instruction of how to make BB8 cake.
- 3-D Sports Ball Pan Set (3 Half Ball Cakes)
- Cooling Rack
- Peppermint Buttercream Icing
- Cake Boards
- Knife and cake leveler
- Spatula
- White, Orange, Gray and Black Fondant
- Black Writing Pen (Wilton Food Writer
- Extra-Fine Tip Edible Color Markers)
- Round Cutter (large, medium and small)
- Turn Table (for icing the cake)
- Non-skid Mat
- Wax paper or Parchment paper
- Cake smoother
- Gum paste glue
- Bake cake in the ball pan set and let it cool on the cooling rack. Trim the dry edges from the wide end of the cake with knife or cake leveler.
- Prepare peppermint buttercream icing and set it aside.
Icing the Body of BB8:
- Take one half of the ball cake and cut off the narrow end.
Note: This would allow the cake to stay in place on the cake board. - Apply icing on the center of the cake board with a spatula. Place the cake board on the narrow end of the cake and flip it upside down.
- Apply icing on the wide end of the cake for filling and smooth icing with the spatula.
- Place one half of the ball cake on top and in place. Smooth the icing between layers on the outside of the ball cake. Note: Hold the cake in place with your hand if it is too wobbly as ball cakes are tricky.
- Apply a thin coat of icing as crumb coat on the ball cake and let it set for 10 minutes. Try to smooth the icing as much as possible with the spatula and bounty towel. Place the cake in the refrigerator for about 20-30 minutes to set.
- Remove the cake from refrigerator and apply a thin coat of icing on top of the crumb coat with a spatula. Keep turning the cake and maintaining the round shape of the ball for body of BB8. Note: To maintain the ball shape it is easier to smooth the icing with the spatula from bottom to the top of the cake.
- Let icing set for 15 minutes and gently smooth the icing with wax paper or parchment paper.
- Place the cake in the refrigerator overnight to set.
Covering the cake with fondant:
Body of BB8:
- Roll out white fondant 1/8th inch thick about 14 inches circle on the rolling mat.
- Flip the rolling mat on top of the cake and gently peal the fondant off the rolling mat.
- Start smoothing the fondant in place by lifting and gently applying pressure to hold it in place. This lifting and attaching helps remove the crease from forming on fondant.
- Cut excess fondant with the spatula and cover the cake with fondant.
- Gently lift the cake in one hand and attach the fondant with other hand for the bottom of the cake.
- Place the cake back on the turntable and remove the excess fondant with the spatula. Flip it over again and attach the fondant.
- Place the cake back on the turntable and dust it with dusting pouch.
- Dust the cake smoother with dusting pouch and start smoothing the cake with medium pressure. Make sure to hold the ball shape of the body of BB8 cake.
Head of BB8:
- Roll out white fondant 1/8th inch thick about 8 inches circle on the rolling mat.
- Flip the rolling mat on top of the cake and gently peal the fondant off the rolling mat.
- Start smoothing the fondant in place by lifting and gently applying pressure to hold it in place. This lifting and attaching helps remove the crease from forming on fondant.
- Gently lift the cake in one hand and attach the fondant with other hand for the bottom of the cake.
- Place the cake back on the board and remove the excess fondant with the spatula.
- Dust the cake and cake smoother with dusting pouch and start smoothing the cake with medium pressure. Make sure to hold the ball shape of the head of BB8 cake.
Patterns on BB8:
Body of BB8:
- Roll out orange fondant 1/8th inch thick and cut 6 round cut-outs using medium round cutter. Remove the excess fondant around the cut-outs.
- Cut out the centers using small round cut-outs from the 6 medium cut-outs. Remove the center out that makes 6 orange rings, set them aside.
- Using the 6 small cut-outs further cut them with a smaller round cutter and the smallest round cutter. Separate each cut-out this makes 6 thin orange rings, 6 thick orange rings and 6 round cut-outs.
- Take the thick orange ring and using a small spatula cut it into 12 pieces. Set all the cut-outs aside.
- Roll out dark gray fondant 1/8th inch thick. Using medium round cutter make 1 cut-out and cut the center with a small round cutter.
- Using the wide end of tip 366 make 6 cut-outs. Using the narrow end of tip 4 make 3 cut-outs and the wide end of tip 12 make 2 cut-outs.
- Make cut-outs shown in video and diagram. Assemble each round pattern that goes on BB8 body before getting started on final assembly.
Assemble BB8
- Brush the orange ring with gum paste glue or water and attach it to the cake. Attach each round pattern that is preassembled on the cake at different angle: 2 on opposite side in the center, 2 on opposite side little lower, 1 on top and cut 1 for the bottom of the cake.
Note: Each orange ring is at 45 degree angle from one another on the body. - Place the large cake board on the turntable. Apply a thin coat of icing in the center before placing the BB8 body cake on top.
Note: Use a spatula to transfer the cake back and forth to avoid having hand and finger impression on the cake. - Apply a small amount of icing on top of the cake to attach the head of BB8. Gently lift and place the head on top.
- Using a sharpen edge of wooden dowel insert it from top of the head to the body of BB8 till it touches the bottom of the cake and the cake board.
- Take the gray ring cut-out and make pattern with the small spatula on it.
- Brush the back side of gray ring with gum paste glue and attach it on top of BB8 head.
- Roll out orange fondant 1/8th inch thick and using a large round cutter make 1 cut-out. Flip the round cutter over and cut round the cut-out with a spatula, set it aside.
- Cut 1 orange fondant long strip about ¼ inches wide and 1 smaller than ¼ inch wide.
- Cut the strips further into small pieces with small spatula of various shapes of rectangles and squares.
- Take black fondant and make 1 large and 1 small camera lens. Roll the black fondant into a ball and flatten it into a round shape.
- Roll out small black fondant 1/8th thick to make a ring to go around the small camera lens. Make a cut-out using the wide end of tip 366 and cut the center out with wide end of tip 4. Place the small camera lens in it; if the lens is too big remove excess fondant off.
- Attach the large camera lens on the head of BB8 with brushing gum paste glue and inserting small piece of toothpick in place.
- Brush the black fondant ring for smaller camera with gum paste glue and attach it in place. Insert toothpick inside the black fondant ring and brush the small camera lens with gum paste glue to attach.
- Brush the orange large cut-out strip with gum paste glue and attach it above the large and small camera lens around the BB8 head. Remove excess fondant off.
- Attach the orange rectangle and square shapes with gum paste glue around the BB8 head at different intervals on the edge of rounded shape.
- Take 1 toothpick and cut it in half and 1 whole toothpick to make antennas. Roll white fondant in a log shape and insert the toothpick. Keep rolling between your fingers and palm, while removing the excess fondant off. Place a cone shape black fondant on tip of the antenna. Make a small antenna with half toothpick as the long antenna, no black fondant on top.
- Roll gray fondant 1/8th inch thick and cut a round cut-out with wide end on the fondant with spatula. Flip the cutter with sharp end and cut the center out.
- Cut the gray fondant ring with spatula on one side and apply gum paste glue. Attach the ring around the BB8 head on the edge of round shape under the orange cut-outs.
- Using the small spatula make indention line on the body of BB8 between each round pattern cut-outs.
- Use the black writing pen to outline the indention line, the round patterns and designs on the round patterns, and BB8 head.
BB8 cake is a fun cake for kids as well as grown-ups. BB8 droid is cute and captured everyone’s heart in Star Wars the Force Awakens movie. Love BB8 and BB8 cake hope this cake and directions help you make your own BB8 cake at home for your love ones!