Baker’s Joy and Bake Easy are a Non-Stick Baking Spray with flour for home bakers. Cake Release is a spread which you can simply spread lightly on the bottom and sides of your pan pour batter and bake. Baker’s Joy and Bake Easy is a foolproof solution to baking every time to create home baked goods that will release from the pan perfectly. These three products create less mess while preparing cake pans, like the old fashion style. I think Baker’s Joy adds an after taste if you tend to use a lot, slightly bitter. Just spray or spread over any oven pan, glass or metal with the baking spray once on the bottom and all sides than pour the batter. When you spray or spread on the sides make sure not to go all the way to the top, just until the batter is poured to avoid the spray to get on the top edges of the cakes. Bake Easy and Cake Release are Wilton Products which you can find in the Wilton Product Aisle at your local grocery or art and craft stores. Bake Easy and Cake Release do not have an after taste.
I have used these products on many occasions not only for baking cakes, but other meal preparations. It is easier to wash the pan after meals as the residue of baked food do not stick to the oven pans. It is readily available at most grocery stores in baking aisle. Try Baker’s Joy, Bake Easy and Cake Release to form your own opinion for the product and the results, I am personally very satisfied and call it the mess free gift for bakers.